It is inconceivable that raising the investment rate, to absorb more of the corporate excess savings, would not add to the waste. 不难想象,通过提高投资率来吸收更多公司过剩储蓄,只会增加浪费。
With its growth trend still faster than the world average, this means the export-led growth model is defunct – and an extravagant investment rate of 49 per cent of GDP can only head downward. 鉴于中国增长速度依然高于世界平均水平,这意味着出口导向型的增长模式已经失效,而高达49%的投资率只会掉头向下。
Thus, despite its high investment rate, the country is a huge creditor. 因此,尽管投资率很高,中国仍是一个巨大的债权国。
Although the official statistics put the investment rate at23% of GDP, this total includes house-building, cars, air conditioners and mobile phones, as well as public works. 尽管官方统计数据将国内生产总值的23%用于投资,但是这个总和除了公共建设以外还包括房屋建设、汽车、空调和移动电话。
The rising share of emerging countries in world output will also itself raise the global investment rate substantially. 新兴国家在全球产出中的比重日益上升本身也将大幅提高全球的投资率。
The rapid increase in the investment rate is creating serious problems. 投资率的快速上升正引发严重问题。
Investment rate of return to the secondary office, how to calculate? 想投资二手写字楼年回报率该如何计算?
Investment rate and the vacancy rate fell by a double-high suburban house trip? 投资率和空置率双高近郊房价步入下跌之旅?
China is a large exception, with its already extraordinary investment rate. 投资率已经高得惊人的中国是一个明显的例外。
Therefore, the selection and decision of the rational inter-region of investment rate and investment increase rate must be taken into consideration when macro-management is been practising. 投资率和投资增长率的合理区间是一个历史范畴,不可能长期固定不变。
Therefore, the local governments attach more importance to the capital's interests and relatively ignore the laborers'interests, therefore causing high investment rate and low consumption rate. 和以美国为代表的西方国家相比,中国长期以来呈现高投资率和低消费率。
With rapid growth of the economy, the investment rate continuously rises. 摘要伴随着经济的高速增长,我国的投资率不断上升。
One way of expressing the challenge of increasing the share of consumption while maintaining growth is for China to seek to increase the productivity of capital as it reduces the investment rate. 在保持增长的同时提高消费比重,对中国的挑战无异于在降低投资率的同时提高资本生产率。
If China fails to tackle its structural problems, including its export dependency, high investment rate and wide income gaps, growth is unlikely to be sustainable. 如果中国无法解决其结构性问题包括对出口的依赖、高投资率和收入差距悬殊将不太可能保持持续的增长。
In the short to medium term, the rapid growth will in all likelihood continue, driven by a high investment rate, swelling exports and healthy local consumption. 中短期而言,在高投资率、出口膨胀和国内消费健康发展的驱动下,快速增长很可能会持续下去。
If the fiscal position continues to improve and the inflow of long-term capital from abroad to accelerate, the investment rate could rise still further. 如果财政状况继续改善,而且外国长期资本流入加速,投资率或许还将进一步上升。
In Chinese economy, the high saving rate, high investment rate and double surplus of balance of payments coexist in a long term. 内容提要我国经济运行中,高储蓄率、高投资率和国际收支双顺差长期并存。
The reproductive strategy taken by the female is to invest much energy, and the average value of investment rate is0. 雌性采取的是高投入的生殖策略,平均生殖投入率0。
When you ask for the investment rate, you want to know the truth& how much am I really getting so they don't monkey around here. 当你问投资收益率时,你要知道,我到底能赚多少,所以他们不再偷懒。
It is almost impossible to imagine that the investment rate could be raised further, without risking a huge overhang of unneeded capital and a subsequent investment bust. 几乎无法想象,中国还能够在避免巨额资本浪费以及随之产生的投资崩盘风险的同时,进一步提高其投资率。
For the Capital income tax rate, no matter in short-term or in long-term, it has a negative effect on investment rate and economic growth, so is the accumulated effect. 对资本收入征税,无论在短期还是长期都不利于投资率和经济增长率的提高,长期累积效应为负。
Secondly, underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return were expounded in detail. 接下来对模型中的承保利润率和投资收益率是如何影响定价利润因子的分别进行了详细的介绍。
Since 1990s, China's economic growth has continually been accompanied by high investment rate and low consumption rate. 从20世纪90年代以来,高投资率、低消费率现象一直伴随着我国的经济增长。
But the manpower capital investment rate of return of our country obviously is lower than international community average level. 但我国人力资本投资收益率明显低于世界各国平均水平。
ⅱ We analysis the influences investment and consumption give to economic growth with investment rate, investment elasticity coefficient. 第二章:首先通过投资率、投资弹性系数、消费率、消费弹性系数分析了投资、消费对经济增长的影响;